Peer Review Process
- Reviewer menerima naskah double blind review (tanpa identitas penulis) dari editor bagian atau sekretariat redaksi. Apabila tidak sesuai kompetensinya, reviewer berhak menolak naskah dan merekomendasikannya ke reviewer lain yang lebih kompeten.
- Satu orang reviewer minimal mereview satu naskah dan satu naskah minimal direview oleh dua reviewer.
- Reviewer menelaah naskah dari aspek kualitas dan substansi penulisan (bukan tata bahasa naskah), yang mencakup keterbaruan, keaslian, kemanfaatan, serta kevalidan kutipan dan daftar pustaka.
- Reviewers receive double blind review manuscripts (without author identity) from the section editor or editorial secretariat. If the reviewer is not competent, the reviewer has the right to reject the manuscript and recommend it to another reviewer who is more competent.
- One reviewer should review at least one manuscript and one manuscript should be reviewed by at least two reviewers.
- Reviewers examine the manuscript from the aspects of quality and substance of writing (not manuscript grammar), which includes novelty, originality, usefulness, and validity of citations and bibliography.