Focus and Scope
JPM: Journal of Philology and Manuscript menyajikan informasi mutakhir hasil kajian literatur dan penelitian bidang ilmu filologi dan pernaskahan Nusantara, yang mencakup: Kajian kodokologis, Teori-teori filologi, Edisi teks naskah kuno dan analisisnya, Kajian historis kepengarangan naskah kuno dan karyanya, Kajian multidisiplin berbasis naskah nusantara. Objek yang dijadikan kajian secara khusus bersumber pada naskah-naskah kuno Nusantara baik yang tersimpan di wilayah Nusantara maupun di luar wilayah Nusantara.
JPM: Journal of Philology and Manuscript membuka kesempatan seluas-luasnya bagi peneliti naskah kuno Nusantara dari seluruh wilayah di dunia untuk turut berpartisipasi dalam penulisan artikel ilmiah yang sesuai dengan focus dan scope jurnal.
JPM: Journal of Philology and Manuscript presents the latest information on the results of literature review and research in the field of philology and Nusantara literature, which includes: Codocological studies, Philological theories, Edition of ancient manuscripts and their analysis, Historical studies of the authorship of ancient manuscripts and their works, Nusantara manuscript-based multidisciplinary studies. The object of study is specifically sourced from ancient Nusantara manuscripts both stored in the archipelago and outside the archipelago.
JPM: Journal of Philology and Manuscript opens the widest possible opportunity for researchers of ancient Nusantara manuscripts from all regions of the world to participate in writing scientific articles that are in accordance with the focus and scope of the journal.